Thursday, November 18, 2010

book post

In the second part of the book  the garcia girls start to loose their accents whille they start to get more exposed to the outer world.. They start to get more exposed as they get older and more out the world.. They start to each get their innocent and accent takin away by their new lifes in america.. Sistes as yoy and fifi start to do things that they wouldnt do in thier adult hood, (since the book is backwards)they show how what hapned later in their life was a result of what hapned earlier in their lifes. They show how things that they are doing now is an affect of things that past happend to them. This shows how they each have a different veiw in their american life.

I think that in each  of the small vignettes that each sister is forced to obey and is disrespected by a man. Things sucj as being pressured in to having sex, even though they are not ready to. They are pressured to do things that they dont know exactley what they are doing, or what it will lead into. Also a sister is pressured into having a relationship in which she dosetn want to engage in.

 Laslty i think that the middle of the book is the "meat" of the book. I think that it was the main part of the book because it shows the reasons why they did things in the future, and also things that led them to do what they did. With out the middle the book will not be able to correctley flow as it should. I think that the miidle if anything should be in the front of the book because it shows the middle of each of their lifes, and how it would show what they would do much later in the book, and show how they would later respond to it

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

book post

  I haveto say that the ending of How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents by Julia Alvarez was a bit of a disappointment. I thought that the book would end on an interesting note or something like that.sarcastically, but that is a very dramatic ending for a book that was branded "confusing". The ending does not essentially explain anything.
In the vignette, An American Surprise, Carla, Sandi, and Yolanda are each given a mechanical bank. Initially, they are all excited about their new toy and goes around showing it off to classmates and peers. Eventually the banks become neglected until one day a maid asks to purchase the Virgin Mary bank from Carla. Carla then decides to give it as a present to Gladys, the maid. Mami finds out about the incident and reprimands both Carla and Gladys, where Gladys eventually leaves. In the end, the Virgin Mary figure is caught halfway up and halfway down. Since Virgin Mary is a symbol of innocence, being caught in between can symbolize how the girls will be caught in between 'sin' and 'innocence' later on in their lives. Innocence represents their experience in the Dominican Republic while sin represents the exposure of American culture to the girls. Therefore, this can also be interpreted as a struggle being caught in between two cultures.
ike did she really change when went to America or was she already like that? Lots of people in class have there own opinions on what they think about the book. The kitten part in the story gave me a real shock too. I knew exactly that the Kitten could represent Yolanda and her sisters. Like saying that The kitten are sent away from there mothers like Yolanda and her sisters were sent away from there mothers to go to America. There lives changed because comparing the Dominican Republic is really different from America. They probably have an unexpected feeling because she was sent to America so unexpectedly. She was probably shocked and did not know what to feel. I am Guessing that since the tittle is "How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents" Maybe they did not really loose there accents, They actually mean they lost there innocence. I do not think that she lost her innocence from just experiencing the world more.

Friday, November 5, 2010

i woulld like to comment on venessa's blog about "teens these days"
Another example is the way our styles have changed over the years. You can say that our way of dressing has evolved so much from the past generations. Nowadays, for the females, its all about the skinny jeans and tank tops. For the guys, you will also see some rockin’ the skinny jeans or baggy jeans. For some unexplainable reason, adults do not like this. For the girls, they always say that “They shouldn’t be dressing like that,” and for the guys, it’s mostly always, “They should pull their pants up.” They will always have something to say about this and I don’t even know the reason behind their judgment.
I agree with Vennasa on everything she said in this paragraph. I often say " kids these days" because kids these days are just O P. Like what are you doing with your life. Noone wants to see "ass" craxck. Or what color undies u got on. Like come on son,, show some respect. And for girls : tsk tsk, seeing all this skin,, is shameful. See back in my day you couldnt tell the difference between girls and boys, because they all wore loose jeans and big sweat shirts , Nowa days young teens are pretty mush 75 % naked. Whe back in my day they were about 3.3 % only showin hands, and face. See thats just sad. I think that people should only show their faces, no other acces skin. Kay young children,  all you guys neeed to read this post, and listen okay. And what about them raiders? can we say they won as ,much games this year than the last decade jus saying . SMH


Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of five players try to score points by throwing or "shooting" a ball through the top of a basketball hoop while following a set of rules. Basketball is one of the most popular and widely viewed sports in the world.[1]
A regulation basketball hoop consists of a rim 18 inches (45.7 cm) in diameter and 10 feet (3.05 m) high mounted to a backboard. A team can score a field goal by shooting the ball through the hoop during regular play. A field goal scores two points for the shooting team if a player is touching or closer to the hoop than the three-point line, and three points (a "3 pointer") if the player is "outside" the three-point line. The team with more points at the end of the game wins, but additional time (overtime) may be issued when the game ends with a tie. The ball can be advanced on the court by bouncing it while walking or running (dribbling) or passing it to a teammate. It is a violation (traveling) to walk with the ball, carry it, or to double dribble (to hold the ball and then resume dribbling).
Various violations are generally called "fouls". Disruptive physical contact (a personal foul) is penalized, and a free throw is usually awarded to an offensive player if he is fouled while shooting the ball. A technical foul may also be issued when certain infractions occur, most commonly for unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of a player or coach. A technical foul gives the opposing team a free throw.
Basketball has evolved many commonly used techniques of shooting, passing, and dribbling, as well as specialized player positions and offensive and defensive structures (player positioning) and techniques. Typically, the tallest members of a team will play "center", "small forward", or "power forward" positions, while shorter players or those who possess the best ball handling skills and speed play "point guard" or "shooting guard".
While competitive basketball is carefully regulated, numerous variations of basketball have developed for casual play. Competitive basketball is primarily an indoor sport played on carefully marked and maintained basketball courts, but less regulated variations are often played outdoors in both inner city and rural areas.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

book post

I think that there is a lot to say about the garcia girls. First is that i think that all the girls have different ways of thinking and acting to the father. But in a way i think that yolanda and fifi mimic eachother since they are the two youngest. I think that in a way they both get their sides of "freakiness" . I think that Fifi is more secrtive about her, and her ways. She is more of hdidng her letters., and tries not to make her dad see them. But yolanda is more out and about it. Making poems, and talking about it as if it was asubject people talk about over coffe,. So in a  think that they look up to eachother to follow their different ways of thinking, but are also very similiar.way
I also think that they get competitive about who gets more attentiion from their dad. They all want to be seen as diferently, and out  do eachother for more attention. For example when they were kissing their dad, they each wanted to get a kiss, and each hope that theyre name would be called when they gave him a kiss. But someone got mad and wanted to out do ALL gthe other sisters, and hoped her dad will kno who it is. So the second daughter got uo and kissed the dad in his ear, licking all insinde of his ear, and later nibbling on it. The dad got aroused and got mad because he found out that the reason was his own daughter.
 And lastly i think that yolanda is to not aware of her ever surrondings. Not really knowing what exactley "sex" is i thin is a way to be an easy target. I think that that is a lack of teaching from the parents and that they should better inform their daughter about something that is so improtant. Skipping a conversation of the "birds and bees" is a huge chunk of life that i think should be incleuded in everyones life. So i think that in college she is looked upon as easy, even though she dosent want to have sex, still not knowing exactley what it is, and not being aware can be something that will effect her in life