Friday, August 20, 2010

"odd girl" # 13

     Growing up i was always in the group that picked and talked about people. I always said smart remarcks toward what people said and how they acted. When i was in these groups between the third and sixth grade, i didnt feel as if anything was wrong at all. I thought that i was innocent even though i saw peoples feelings getting hurt over and over.I think that there are many reasons why people that are in these groups stay in these groups.     
     One reason for people to stay in a group that constantly bullies others is because the feel 'safe'. This is because once they get in these types of groups, they know that they have the advantage and aare able to make fun of people becaue noone will make fun of them. They feel safe of the 'position' they have over the people they talk about, and know that noone in the group they are in will talk about them. This causes people that join these type of bulling groups stay in them, and never move out.
     Another reason why people stay in these group is for 'popularity'. They think that if they get into these groups, that this will increase their popularity, since mostly these insults and put downs come from people that are considered popular.So people think that to be 'popular' you have to insult people, which is not true at all.
     So there are many reasons why people are taken into these groups, because they feel that to do it they will 'survive'. They will feel comfortable with them selves and around others. They feel as if they are on the top of the never ending chain of bullying. This is a chain that everyone, once has to go through in there life.

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