Tuesday, December 14, 2010

book post#2

Reading the second part of Enders Game was one of the most interesting parts.It is th emainpart to where he is officially in the school, and he is engaging in the action.  He is one of the best commanders at his age, and leads his rank, and soon gets moved up to the next rank.  This boostup his confidence, but it soon gets put down, because the older kids"get" to hym,because he is thee youngest, and tries to come in being a boss. He is trying to be in the middle, because iin a way , he doesnot want to lead, but he dosent want to fall tothe bottom. He wants to stay in the middle to be able not be noticed as much, and also picked on. Another interseting thing that happned in the middle section, is that while playing the "stimulated" game, where it gives you real life situations, Ender saw his brother, saw his brother. He was first scared, because how did the computer know who his family was, and that was his brother,. Was the game trying to tell him something. in a hidden message? Ender got very freaked about what happned, and wondered, since he had played the game so much, has the game"studied" him, and now knew his wekaness, and streghtns of his every day life.

I think this book has a lot of meanings, and messages within the text. Things like morals and main ideas lay in the book. Like a huge part of the book is jealousy. The jealousy that enders older brother has for him, because he did not make the combat school and ender did, the jealousy the older kids have because ender is so good at what he does, and also is smart enought to beat them, and i think lastly the jealousy of how peter dosent have the relation ship that Ender and valentine have. I think that has a huge effect on the mood of the book, because it is able to give an edge on both sides of the story, and gives it another look, that wasnt interpreted in the beggining,

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