Tuesday, September 28, 2010

esaay September 28, 2010

Thesis: Throughout the story The Dinosaurs , the charecter Q finds his true identity, and is able to come at peace when he is able to act himself.

First Body: In the begging of the book Q is compelty confused on who he is. Since  he has not been out , and by other species in such a long tiime, he forgets how to act as himself. When he encounters the new ones for the first time, he is scared of them, even though he is way larger and bigger. He dosent know how to talk to them without scaring them away . But when he does finally talk to one, he dosent act as himself .  He dosent know exactley how to act, and sais things that he wouldnt actually say to one of his fellow dinosaurs, and afterwards feels akward. " What came over me , at those words? a revolusion , a rufusal to identify myself...," ( page 107) This quote shows how he dosent know how to act, and how to act upon he would to people he knew. He dosent know his true identity, and struggles, but later finds it.

Second Body:In the middle of the book Q starts to find who is true identiy really is.He dosent want to act as if he was a dinosaur, to be looked at differently, or to be judged. So he tried to act like he was just a normal creature living in that time. But after a conflict between Zahn and him, he starts to get more comfortable in who he is. "...though I was an entirely different type, i was finally convined i didnt stand out too much.," ( page 100).  This is a quote that Q said . He became more brave to accept to act as he should. If it wasnt for the interaction with Zahn, and the new ones calling him "Dinosaur" he would have still try to "fit in" and not act himself.

Third Body: In the end of the book Q finally recognizes who he is, and is brave about who and what he is. Now that he had told the new ones that he is a dinosaur, a huge weight has been lifted off of his chest.  Even though they didnt believe him, it was the fact that he told them that he was a dinosaur, and wasnt afraid to cover his identity.  This caused him to be able to come at peace and be able to leave the village, and start his new life. " I had acheived a kind of new tranquilty," (page 105).  This quote is one of the most powerful quotes in the essay. It is saying that all the covering up, and hiding that Q had done in the past, and now that he is more brave to say he is a dinosaur, he has come to a new peace. He is able to say that he is peaceful now, not stressing or worrying about how to act as someone that he wasnt.

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