Sunday, September 19, 2010


Swag-The way in which you carry yourself. Swag is made up of your overall confidence, style, and demeanor. Swag can also be expanded to be the reputation of your overall swagger. You gain swag, or "Swag up", by performing swag worthy actions that improve this perception. A person can also "swag down," by garnering negative swag for their actions. Swag is a subtle thing that many strive to gain but few actually attain. It is reserved for the most swagalicious of people. Swag can also be quantified, with point systems existing in some circles of friends.
   This definiton is well explained of what "swag" is. Since i get the question a lot " Keiland what is swag?" or " how do u get swag?" this deinition should explain it all. Swag is something that many people are not born with. You have to (as the defintion sais) "Swag up" . By doing this you are having your own unique style , or you are confident in the style you already have. Confindence is a HUGE piece of having swag. If you are questioning or not if you have swag, then you most defintly dont have it. Also you should have your swag"on" at all times. Twenty four hours , seven days a week. Swag is not always the way you dress, it also is the way you carry yourself. Shoulders up, head up, go along with the confidence you need at all tymes. The only reason why some one with 'swag ' would have his or her head down is if 1. there is money on the ground, (not change, bills only) , 2.if dropping there personal objects, (or anything like that) and 3. to tie your shoes. These are the only three reasons a person with True 'swag' would ever have his or her head down. So now i know a lot of people will read this and try to make me " swag down" and try to make me do small things to go against what i said. But it will not happen. Every 1 works up to how much swag you can gain. You start at 5 "swag points" and the highest you can go is 150 . To learn how to "swag up" or "swag down" ask me:)

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