Thursday, September 30, 2010

Night essay

Intro-In the story Night the main confict is between Elie and himself. Events caused Elie to think differently. He starts to act differently towards jis own father, and in the end his fatherstarts to become an obstacle to Elies own survival rates.
1st body-(t.s) In the beggining of the story Elizer wants to stay as close to his father as possible and does not want to get split apart from him. He cared abouthis father dearly, and would not let anything come between them.
(lead in)Elizer and his dad are right by eachother and Elizer would do anything to be secure by his dads side. He wouldnt let anything or any one change his mind of him being by, or making sure that his father would never leace his side.
(cd#1)"I took my fathers hand I couldnt be seperated from him...'''form Fives"" said the SS officer. I ran steadily to my fathers side, hoping i can be back home,"
(commentary) In this quote elizer talks about how him being by his dad will let him"escape" the pain he is in.He pretty much expalins that not being with his dad will completley ruin his time at the camp, as if that already hasnt happned.Being seperated from his dad will " set the trigger" because he was alreayd sepereated from his mom and sister, so now his only loved one he has is his father.  So he denies any part of being spereate from him at all times, not letting anything worse happen for him.
(transition) Things start to change when he sees other people and events happen that he starts to do differently to his own father
(t.s) Around the middle of the book Elizer sees incidents that change his attitude in a way , towards his dad.
(lead in) Elizer sees that his main focus on the camp is to survuve, SO in the middle of the book he sees that ohther people around him are "forgetting" about their own loved ones.
(cd#2) " ... he collapsed. His fist was still clenched around a small peice. He tried to carry it to his mouth, But the other one threw himself upon him and snatched it. The old man again whispered something , let out a rattle, and diedamid the genereal indifference. His son searched him, took the bread and began to devour it.. others joined in.When  they all withdrew, next to me were two corpse, side by side, the father and the son."
(commentary)In this quote Elizer sees a son, kill his onw fatrher, for only a piece of bread. This is an act that Elizer sees, and i think, in a way changed his ways of his new survival mehtods.  That he needs to survive anyway possible.
(transition) Elizer starts to become more selfish, and thinks more about surivial than his dad. He now knows that its either live, or die because of trying to get others to live.
(t.s) At the end of the book elizer starts to get over obstacles of his dads life, and starts to think about himself more often.
(lead in) now that survial is becoming more limited, Elizer thinks that his life is becoming more important to his older father.So he starts to become more indepedent of his dad.
" Listen to me , boy. Dont forget that your in a concentration camp. Here every man is to fight for himself, and not think of any one else. Even his own father... I listned to him without interupting.He was right, i thought in the most secret region of my heart, but i dared not to admit it."
(commentary) in this quote Elizer is starting to think more about himselfand not about his fater. H enknows that lving through out the camp is more imprtant than his own dads life. He knows that his father is more likely to die, with or without the camp, and that this is a thing he wants to change.

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