Tuesday, December 14, 2010


agree with johnnys quote
 .An example of this would be a en year old boy who plays sport games such as NBA2k10 and Madden NFL.That ten year old boy is not likely to do something bad because that's not what the video game is doing. He is more likely to go to the park and shoot hoops or play catch with a football. No if you take that same ten year old boy and let him play a game like "grand theft auto" he is more likely to want to kill , hurt and steal things from people. that's what he saw in the game and it was OK then so why would it not be OK for him to do in the real world.
i agree with the thingx that john talk about. If the kis is playin violent video games,, he will be more likely to do simethign dangerous, But a kid playing sports, most likel would like to either play that sport and be intersetd in it, So i do think that video games have a huge effect on kids lives in many ways. Jhn explains how kids are more likely to do what they enjoy to do. Such as playing madden and 2k will make thme most likely  want to play basketball or throw a foot ball around. In some ways it wants kids to go out nd get better, so one day they can be controlled my a controller also. If they play COD or GTA im not saying they are going to go on a shooting spre, but they will more likey not go play sports , and be the ones to steal, or later in life MAYB be the ones infulenced by what they played

book post#2

Reading the second part of Enders Game was one of the most interesting parts.It is th emainpart to where he is officially in the school, and he is engaging in the action.  He is one of the best commanders at his age, and leads his rank, and soon gets moved up to the next rank.  This boostup his confidence, but it soon gets put down, because the older kids"get" to hym,because he is thee youngest, and tries to come in being a boss. He is trying to be in the middle, because iin a way , he doesnot want to lead, but he dosent want to fall tothe bottom. He wants to stay in the middle to be able not be noticed as much, and also picked on. Another interseting thing that happned in the middle section, is that while playing the "stimulated" game, where it gives you real life situations, Ender saw his brother, saw his brother. He was first scared, because how did the computer know who his family was, and that was his brother,. Was the game trying to tell him something. in a hidden message? Ender got very freaked about what happned, and wondered, since he had played the game so much, has the game"studied" him, and now knew his wekaness, and streghtns of his every day life.

I think this book has a lot of meanings, and messages within the text. Things like morals and main ideas lay in the book. Like a huge part of the book is jealousy. The jealousy that enders older brother has for him, because he did not make the combat school and ender did, the jealousy the older kids have because ender is so good at what he does, and also is smart enought to beat them, and i think lastly the jealousy of how peter dosent have the relation ship that Ender and valentine have. I think that has a huge effect on the mood of the book, because it is able to give an edge on both sides of the story, and gives it another look, that wasnt interpreted in the beggining,

Saturday, December 4, 2010

response post

While reading through google docs, i stumbled on john hamiltons post about our recent feild trip to the farmers market. To be truthful, when i got there, i thought it was going to be a lot bigger, but once walking around and seeing the items, it got interesting. as john said in his post,
" when we had got to the farmers market every thing changed. once i saw all the stands filled with veggies and fruit i was truly amazed. i had only been to the farmers market once before and that was in middle school. this time it was a little different because i had to ask the farmers questions. now i did not really want to do so but i did and i heard about some fruits that never came up in my mind. i saw veggies that i never see at the super market. its a lot better tasting food at the farmers market and i would like to go back. i am just glad we got to go on a Field trip there. it was really cool."
I agree with jonhs post. When we first arived i thought it was only like one street long, and it didnt look as if they had a lot of stands, but little did i know that there was a corner to turn, with a lot more stands, and other different types of vegtables. I have never been to this particular farmers market, but i have been to plenty before. My grandma used to go every saturday, in hercules and i used to tag along, and help pick out the best fruit. I would get to piuck one of my own, and she would pick one, and we would share with eachohter often. So this feild trip did bring some memories from child hood. I think it was fun to walk around with my freinds and peers, to examine the farmers and ask questions. I had some answers that i expected, and some i really didnt . Some people traveled hours just to get to the farmers market to sell their crops. Some said tht some weeks that can ,make lots of money, while others, they can make close to none. They said it matters exactley what is in "season" and if it is not, they will not get a good sell on what they are trying to get a profit on. I think it went well how we did an essay on our diets, and we went to a farmers market to closly observe it. I think it was good timing, and i like how she planned it. I really thought about changing my diet, but on the same day, i still ate burgerking, so i wasnt that happy with my "future" diet. Hopefully, llater in my life i can change my unl=healthy lifestyle, but for now, im jst living life

Thursday, November 18, 2010

book post

In the second part of the book  the garcia girls start to loose their accents whille they start to get more exposed to the outer world.. They start to get more exposed as they get older and more out the world.. They start to each get their innocent and accent takin away by their new lifes in america.. Sistes as yoy and fifi start to do things that they wouldnt do in thier adult hood, (since the book is backwards)they show how what hapned later in their life was a result of what hapned earlier in their lifes. They show how things that they are doing now is an affect of things that past happend to them. This shows how they each have a different veiw in their american life.

I think that in each  of the small vignettes that each sister is forced to obey and is disrespected by a man. Things sucj as being pressured in to having sex, even though they are not ready to. They are pressured to do things that they dont know exactley what they are doing, or what it will lead into. Also a sister is pressured into having a relationship in which she dosetn want to engage in.

 Laslty i think that the middle of the book is the "meat" of the book. I think that it was the main part of the book because it shows the reasons why they did things in the future, and also things that led them to do what they did. With out the middle the book will not be able to correctley flow as it should. I think that the miidle if anything should be in the front of the book because it shows the middle of each of their lifes, and how it would show what they would do much later in the book, and show how they would later respond to it

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

book post

  I haveto say that the ending of How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents by Julia Alvarez was a bit of a disappointment. I thought that the book would end on an interesting note or something like that.sarcastically, but that is a very dramatic ending for a book that was branded "confusing". The ending does not essentially explain anything.
In the vignette, An American Surprise, Carla, Sandi, and Yolanda are each given a mechanical bank. Initially, they are all excited about their new toy and goes around showing it off to classmates and peers. Eventually the banks become neglected until one day a maid asks to purchase the Virgin Mary bank from Carla. Carla then decides to give it as a present to Gladys, the maid. Mami finds out about the incident and reprimands both Carla and Gladys, where Gladys eventually leaves. In the end, the Virgin Mary figure is caught halfway up and halfway down. Since Virgin Mary is a symbol of innocence, being caught in between can symbolize how the girls will be caught in between 'sin' and 'innocence' later on in their lives. Innocence represents their experience in the Dominican Republic while sin represents the exposure of American culture to the girls. Therefore, this can also be interpreted as a struggle being caught in between two cultures.
ike did she really change when went to America or was she already like that? Lots of people in class have there own opinions on what they think about the book. The kitten part in the story gave me a real shock too. I knew exactly that the Kitten could represent Yolanda and her sisters. Like saying that The kitten are sent away from there mothers like Yolanda and her sisters were sent away from there mothers to go to America. There lives changed because comparing the Dominican Republic is really different from America. They probably have an unexpected feeling because she was sent to America so unexpectedly. She was probably shocked and did not know what to feel. I am Guessing that since the tittle is "How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents" Maybe they did not really loose there accents, They actually mean they lost there innocence. I do not think that she lost her innocence from just experiencing the world more.

Friday, November 5, 2010

i woulld like to comment on venessa's blog about "teens these days"
Another example is the way our styles have changed over the years. You can say that our way of dressing has evolved so much from the past generations. Nowadays, for the females, its all about the skinny jeans and tank tops. For the guys, you will also see some rockin’ the skinny jeans or baggy jeans. For some unexplainable reason, adults do not like this. For the girls, they always say that “They shouldn’t be dressing like that,” and for the guys, it’s mostly always, “They should pull their pants up.” They will always have something to say about this and I don’t even know the reason behind their judgment.
I agree with Vennasa on everything she said in this paragraph. I often say " kids these days" because kids these days are just O P. Like what are you doing with your life. Noone wants to see "ass" craxck. Or what color undies u got on. Like come on son,, show some respect. And for girls : tsk tsk, seeing all this skin,, is shameful. See back in my day you couldnt tell the difference between girls and boys, because they all wore loose jeans and big sweat shirts , Nowa days young teens are pretty mush 75 % naked. Whe back in my day they were about 3.3 % only showin hands, and face. See thats just sad. I think that people should only show their faces, no other acces skin. Kay young children,  all you guys neeed to read this post, and listen okay. And what about them raiders? can we say they won as ,much games this year than the last decade jus saying . SMH


Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of five players try to score points by throwing or "shooting" a ball through the top of a basketball hoop while following a set of rules. Basketball is one of the most popular and widely viewed sports in the world.[1]
A regulation basketball hoop consists of a rim 18 inches (45.7 cm) in diameter and 10 feet (3.05 m) high mounted to a backboard. A team can score a field goal by shooting the ball through the hoop during regular play. A field goal scores two points for the shooting team if a player is touching or closer to the hoop than the three-point line, and three points (a "3 pointer") if the player is "outside" the three-point line. The team with more points at the end of the game wins, but additional time (overtime) may be issued when the game ends with a tie. The ball can be advanced on the court by bouncing it while walking or running (dribbling) or passing it to a teammate. It is a violation (traveling) to walk with the ball, carry it, or to double dribble (to hold the ball and then resume dribbling).
Various violations are generally called "fouls". Disruptive physical contact (a personal foul) is penalized, and a free throw is usually awarded to an offensive player if he is fouled while shooting the ball. A technical foul may also be issued when certain infractions occur, most commonly for unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of a player or coach. A technical foul gives the opposing team a free throw.
Basketball has evolved many commonly used techniques of shooting, passing, and dribbling, as well as specialized player positions and offensive and defensive structures (player positioning) and techniques. Typically, the tallest members of a team will play "center", "small forward", or "power forward" positions, while shorter players or those who possess the best ball handling skills and speed play "point guard" or "shooting guard".
While competitive basketball is carefully regulated, numerous variations of basketball have developed for casual play. Competitive basketball is primarily an indoor sport played on carefully marked and maintained basketball courts, but less regulated variations are often played outdoors in both inner city and rural areas.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

book post

I think that there is a lot to say about the garcia girls. First is that i think that all the girls have different ways of thinking and acting to the father. But in a way i think that yolanda and fifi mimic eachother since they are the two youngest. I think that in a way they both get their sides of "freakiness" . I think that Fifi is more secrtive about her, and her ways. She is more of hdidng her letters., and tries not to make her dad see them. But yolanda is more out and about it. Making poems, and talking about it as if it was asubject people talk about over coffe,. So in a  think that they look up to eachother to follow their different ways of thinking, but are also very similiar.way
I also think that they get competitive about who gets more attentiion from their dad. They all want to be seen as diferently, and out  do eachother for more attention. For example when they were kissing their dad, they each wanted to get a kiss, and each hope that theyre name would be called when they gave him a kiss. But someone got mad and wanted to out do ALL gthe other sisters, and hoped her dad will kno who it is. So the second daughter got uo and kissed the dad in his ear, licking all insinde of his ear, and later nibbling on it. The dad got aroused and got mad because he found out that the reason was his own daughter.
 And lastly i think that yolanda is to not aware of her ever surrondings. Not really knowing what exactley "sex" is i thin is a way to be an easy target. I think that that is a lack of teaching from the parents and that they should better inform their daughter about something that is so improtant. Skipping a conversation of the "birds and bees" is a huge chunk of life that i think should be incleuded in everyones life. So i think that in college she is looked upon as easy, even though she dosent want to have sex, still not knowing exactley what it is, and not being aware can be something that will effect her in life

Saturday, October 9, 2010


this is a poem i wrote. I really like it and hope people like it also. It talkes about who i really am and the questions that i truly have. I hope you read it and have a great tym. maybe i will inspire you to write your own and to make your own creative speech ENJOY

I am Poem
I am funny and outgoing
I wonder do fish actually sleep
I hear people clapping and screaming
I see me being successful in life
I want to be proud of my accomplishments once I get older
I am funny and an outgoing.

I pretend that one day I will fly to the moon
I feel sympathy
I touch a spider’s web in my hands
I worry about people that are serving time in the war
I cry about thinking of the loved ones I have lost in my life time
I am funny and outgoing

I understand that the odds of me making it to the league are very slim
I say that if I push myself though that nothing can stop me
I dream of being a millionaire and sharing it with all my loved ones
I try pushing myself to accomplish things I usually wouldn’t
I hope that I am proud of my life when I become older
I am funny an outgoing.

Friday, October 1, 2010


            Hello my name is keiland callum and I attend Alameda Science and Technology institute. First I would like to thank you for giving me the time, and also for your undivided attention while I give this speech on: What we can do to make alameda a safer city.
Safety is an aspect that everyone in America wants. But it seems as if no one knows how to prevent violence through their country or even their own neighborhood. In this essay I will be discussing how we in alameda can cause non violence and help alameda become a safe and hospitable city. As a city we need to set out a goal to achieve non violence in this wonderful city of alameda. As Martin Luther King Jr. once said “Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.” So one way to make alameda a safer more comfortable city for citizens is to minimize the tension between the high schools and also middle schools. Doing this will minimize the fights going on between the rivalries schools. This will cause Alameda to be a more safe and welcoming city. 
Alameda is a very safe city that many people enjoy to live in because of how safe they feel. But as the old saying goes, “Nothing can be perfect”. So one way to make alameda an even safer city is to lessen the fights that go on in alameda. This will cause kids to b able to get along better and not hold grudges against each other. One way to minimize the fights that go on between schools is to hold more events so that the kids could mingle between each other and become more known to one another. Things such as carnivals or fairs in the city of alameda can really abroad in each person so that they are able to know each other and become friends with one another. Another way is to hold events between schools such as holding dances or movie nights between schools. This will help rivalry schools become rivals, but not in a violent way. Rivals between sports are ok, but being violent between one another is not okay. Also since kids now like to dance, parties should be put into consideration, maybe once a month will help kids become comfortable with one another and cause less violence.
There are many things that people in the community can do. One main thing for people to do is to help hold these events. People can help coordinate these wonderful events and help out to make sure they are safe. People can help donate money to the foundations that will help sponsor these events.
So in the end there is a way to, make alameda a better, safer city. By doing these few goals we will be able to make alameda a city that everyone feels safe in. Hopefully in the future we can achieve these goals and make the next generation of alameda to be very safe and also to be welcoming to other cities.  I thank you for your time, have a blessed day

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Night essay

Intro-In the story Night the main confict is between Elie and himself. Events caused Elie to think differently. He starts to act differently towards jis own father, and in the end his fatherstarts to become an obstacle to Elies own survival rates.
1st body-(t.s) In the beggining of the story Elizer wants to stay as close to his father as possible and does not want to get split apart from him. He cared abouthis father dearly, and would not let anything come between them.
(lead in)Elizer and his dad are right by eachother and Elizer would do anything to be secure by his dads side. He wouldnt let anything or any one change his mind of him being by, or making sure that his father would never leace his side.
(cd#1)"I took my fathers hand I couldnt be seperated from him...'''form Fives"" said the SS officer. I ran steadily to my fathers side, hoping i can be back home,"
(commentary) In this quote elizer talks about how him being by his dad will let him"escape" the pain he is in.He pretty much expalins that not being with his dad will completley ruin his time at the camp, as if that already hasnt happned.Being seperated from his dad will " set the trigger" because he was alreayd sepereated from his mom and sister, so now his only loved one he has is his father.  So he denies any part of being spereate from him at all times, not letting anything worse happen for him.
(transition) Things start to change when he sees other people and events happen that he starts to do differently to his own father
(t.s) Around the middle of the book Elizer sees incidents that change his attitude in a way , towards his dad.
(lead in) Elizer sees that his main focus on the camp is to survuve, SO in the middle of the book he sees that ohther people around him are "forgetting" about their own loved ones.
(cd#2) " ... he collapsed. His fist was still clenched around a small peice. He tried to carry it to his mouth, But the other one threw himself upon him and snatched it. The old man again whispered something , let out a rattle, and diedamid the genereal indifference. His son searched him, took the bread and began to devour it.. others joined in.When  they all withdrew, next to me were two corpse, side by side, the father and the son."
(commentary)In this quote Elizer sees a son, kill his onw fatrher, for only a piece of bread. This is an act that Elizer sees, and i think, in a way changed his ways of his new survival mehtods.  That he needs to survive anyway possible.
(transition) Elizer starts to become more selfish, and thinks more about surivial than his dad. He now knows that its either live, or die because of trying to get others to live.
(t.s) At the end of the book elizer starts to get over obstacles of his dads life, and starts to think about himself more often.
(lead in) now that survial is becoming more limited, Elizer thinks that his life is becoming more important to his older father.So he starts to become more indepedent of his dad.
" Listen to me , boy. Dont forget that your in a concentration camp. Here every man is to fight for himself, and not think of any one else. Even his own father... I listned to him without interupting.He was right, i thought in the most secret region of my heart, but i dared not to admit it."
(commentary) in this quote Elizer is starting to think more about himselfand not about his fater. H enknows that lving through out the camp is more imprtant than his own dads life. He knows that his father is more likely to die, with or without the camp, and that this is a thing he wants to change.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

esaay September 28, 2010

Thesis: Throughout the story The Dinosaurs , the charecter Q finds his true identity, and is able to come at peace when he is able to act himself.

First Body: In the begging of the book Q is compelty confused on who he is. Since  he has not been out , and by other species in such a long tiime, he forgets how to act as himself. When he encounters the new ones for the first time, he is scared of them, even though he is way larger and bigger. He dosent know how to talk to them without scaring them away . But when he does finally talk to one, he dosent act as himself .  He dosent know exactley how to act, and sais things that he wouldnt actually say to one of his fellow dinosaurs, and afterwards feels akward. " What came over me , at those words? a revolusion , a rufusal to identify myself...," ( page 107) This quote shows how he dosent know how to act, and how to act upon he would to people he knew. He dosent know his true identity, and struggles, but later finds it.

Second Body:In the middle of the book Q starts to find who is true identiy really is.He dosent want to act as if he was a dinosaur, to be looked at differently, or to be judged. So he tried to act like he was just a normal creature living in that time. But after a conflict between Zahn and him, he starts to get more comfortable in who he is. "...though I was an entirely different type, i was finally convined i didnt stand out too much.," ( page 100).  This is a quote that Q said . He became more brave to accept to act as he should. If it wasnt for the interaction with Zahn, and the new ones calling him "Dinosaur" he would have still try to "fit in" and not act himself.

Third Body: In the end of the book Q finally recognizes who he is, and is brave about who and what he is. Now that he had told the new ones that he is a dinosaur, a huge weight has been lifted off of his chest.  Even though they didnt believe him, it was the fact that he told them that he was a dinosaur, and wasnt afraid to cover his identity.  This caused him to be able to come at peace and be able to leave the village, and start his new life. " I had acheived a kind of new tranquilty," (page 105).  This quote is one of the most powerful quotes in the essay. It is saying that all the covering up, and hiding that Q had done in the past, and now that he is more brave to say he is a dinosaur, he has come to a new peace. He is able to say that he is peaceful now, not stressing or worrying about how to act as someone that he wasnt.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

swag switch


Swag-The way in which you carry yourself. Swag is made up of your overall confidence, style, and demeanor. Swag can also be expanded to be the reputation of your overall swagger. You gain swag, or "Swag up", by performing swag worthy actions that improve this perception. A person can also "swag down," by garnering negative swag for their actions. Swag is a subtle thing that many strive to gain but few actually attain. It is reserved for the most swagalicious of people. Swag can also be quantified, with point systems existing in some circles of friends.
   This definiton is well explained of what "swag" is. Since i get the question a lot " Keiland what is swag?" or " how do u get swag?" this deinition should explain it all. Swag is something that many people are not born with. You have to (as the defintion sais) "Swag up" . By doing this you are having your own unique style , or you are confident in the style you already have. Confindence is a HUGE piece of having swag. If you are questioning or not if you have swag, then you most defintly dont have it. Also you should have your swag"on" at all times. Twenty four hours , seven days a week. Swag is not always the way you dress, it also is the way you carry yourself. Shoulders up, head up, go along with the confidence you need at all tymes. The only reason why some one with 'swag ' would have his or her head down is if 1. there is money on the ground, (not change, bills only) , 2.if dropping there personal objects, (or anything like that) and 3. to tie your shoes. These are the only three reasons a person with True 'swag' would ever have his or her head down. So now i know a lot of people will read this and try to make me " swag down" and try to make me do small things to go against what i said. But it will not happen. Every 1 works up to how much swag you can gain. You start at 5 "swag points" and the highest you can go is 150 . To learn how to "swag up" or "swag down" ask me:)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

pros about capital punishment

Pros - Death Penalty

Many people would reject the concept of killing another being. It is unfair to say that even though a person kills many people, they are not facing the punishments. As Steven D. Steward said, “...life is sacred. It cheapens the life of an innocent murder victim to say that society has no right to keep the murderer from ever killing again.” This is very true. The fact that a person ends other people’s lives cheapens the killer’s life. They do not deserve to live in a jail and have the slightest chance of escape or killing again. The only way to enforce the fact that the murderer has no more chance to harm anyone is to do what they did to their victims. It is only fair to say that murderers deserve to die because they had killed a person who’s life could have been enjoyed.
Furthermore, in order to put someone in jail, it costs a lot more money than simply killing them. Our current economy is horrible and a lot of money that can be going to education is being put into prisons where criminals are kept and fed. The unbalanced amount of money being poured into criminals is unfair to children who are not receiving proper education. Instead of puttin someone in jail for the rest of thier life which cost a fortune, you can give the death penalty which would cost less . This is something that people have to pay for with taxes ,which noone wants to do anymore.
This also causes the communtiy to feel safe. Knowing that the person who commited the crime is out of sight out of mind, and has no way to come back. This lets people relax and not worry day in and day out if and or when this deadly or harmful person will escape.

Friday, August 20, 2010

"odd girl" # 13

     Growing up i was always in the group that picked and talked about people. I always said smart remarcks toward what people said and how they acted. When i was in these groups between the third and sixth grade, i didnt feel as if anything was wrong at all. I thought that i was innocent even though i saw peoples feelings getting hurt over and over.I think that there are many reasons why people that are in these groups stay in these groups.     
     One reason for people to stay in a group that constantly bullies others is because the feel 'safe'. This is because once they get in these types of groups, they know that they have the advantage and aare able to make fun of people becaue noone will make fun of them. They feel safe of the 'position' they have over the people they talk about, and know that noone in the group they are in will talk about them. This causes people that join these type of bulling groups stay in them, and never move out.
     Another reason why people stay in these group is for 'popularity'. They think that if they get into these groups, that this will increase their popularity, since mostly these insults and put downs come from people that are considered popular.So people think that to be 'popular' you have to insult people, which is not true at all.
     So there are many reasons why people are taken into these groups, because they feel that to do it they will 'survive'. They will feel comfortable with them selves and around others. They feel as if they are on the top of the never ending chain of bullying. This is a chain that everyone, once has to go through in there life.